About this site
I've been designing beading and needle crafts for five decades. This site is the catch-all for my books, tutorials, sources, free patterns, beading resources, products and more.
We have no physical store but keep two private studios, one on Cape Cod, Massachusetts and one in Port Orange, Florida. If you're in the area and I'm not otherwise engaged (mostly with grandchildren or gardening) you can email me about setting up an appointment, far enough in advance so I can clean my house first. 
Privacy Policy
We do not share your information with anyone for any reason at any time. This is because we hate it when someone shares our information and we don't want that to happen to you. 
Contact me
Use this link to send an email message. 
[email protected]
bead looming necklace


PRIVATE STUDIOS by appointment only:

South Dennis, Massachusetts
Port Orange, Florida
©2025 Ann Benson Beading, all rights reserved.

Contact us

[email protected]

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Beaders in remote locations do not have access to retail bead stores and must often order from multiple sources at great shipping expense. I've included links to products available on Amazon to minimze this expense. I will be paid a very small stipend for Amazon sales linked to my site. 