Basic beaded needlepoint

Our quick and basic video gives an overview of the basic stitch. It takes you through the basics of beading on needlepoint canvas. This video shows fully beaded designs. 

Learn which standard sizes of seed beads correspond to the standard needlepoint canvas gauges, and how to make the basic stitches. Needles and threads are discussed. We talk about getting started, and how to end a thread.

We are working on many more tutorials for this page, come back soon! 

bead looming necklace


PRIVATE STUDIOS by appointment only:

South Dennis, Massachusetts
Port Orange, Florida
©2025 Ann Benson Beading, all rights reserved.

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Beaders in remote locations do not have access to retail bead stores and must often order from multiple sources at great shipping expense. I've included links to products available on Amazon to minimze this expense. I will be paid a very small stipend for Amazon sales linked to my site. 