bead embroidery tutorials

Free online and downloadable instruction for bead embroidery techniques

Our two-minute overview of bead embroidery
If you've never done bead embroidery, this quick overview will give you an idea of what you're getting into! Easier than you'd think. This is a quick walk through of the standard techniques you'll perhaps want to explore further!
bead embroidery bracelet

Our free online "Class Act" comprehensive tutorial for bead embroidery with companion learning kit available

This class is designed to cover all of the basic techniques you'll need for professional-level bead embroidery in three separate sections, each about 15 minutes long with natural stopping points so you can stitch as you follow the class. 

We've created a complete kit with materials (including needles and thread) and printed directions aligned to the videos so you can follow along.
bead embroidery class kit
Bead Embroidery Class Section 1 
We'll talk about the basics and then proceed directly into bezeling stones. This foundational skill is a great starting point, as you will use bezeled stones as the focal point for a bead embroidery design that grows outward.

The stones include an 18mm triangular crystal stone, a 13mm round iridescent stone, and a 16mm crystal rivoli. These are standard sizes and shapes and will be useful in your own future projects. 
Bead Embroidery Class Section 2 
In this section we'll add decorative elements around the stones that have already been put in place. 

The decorative beads will include pearls, bugle beads, seed beads, crystals, and more. The techniques for adding these elements will be fully explained and illustrated. 
Bead Embroidery Class Section 3
With your stones bezeled, and the decorative beads stitched in place, it's time to add the finishing touches that will make your finished piece look professional and elegant.

You'll add backing and trim the stitched piece, then add all-around beaded edging to dress up the cut edges. Add fringes to the lower edge and then add the pin back. You're done! 

Beaded backstitch for bead embroidery

Beneath all is the backstitch. It's the foundation for a successful bezel on a beading surface. This stitch is also widely used in decorative lines and narrow elements within bead embroidery. It's a workhorse par excellence. 

Follow along with animations that show precisely how to create a neat line of beads on almost any beading surface. 

Bugle beads in bead embroidery

Bugle beads can be a beautiful addition to your bead embroidery project. These glass beads are extruded and cut to size, so their edges can be abrasive. 

Learn the techniques and skills needed to secure and correctly position bugles of different sizes and diameters in straight and curved areas. 
bead looming necklace


PRIVATE STUDIOS by appointment only:

South Dennis, Massachusetts
Port Orange, Florida
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Beaders in remote locations do not have access to retail bead stores and must often order from multiple sources at great shipping expense. I've included links to products available on Amazon to minimze this expense. I will be paid a very small stipend for Amazon sales linked to my site. 